Ethernet Surge Protector

By now, the great majority of us know how important it is to have surge protectors in place for the protection of our valuable computer systems and with good reason. Surge protectors prevent quite a lot of devastating damages to computers and laptops every year. This is even more the case for people living places where occurrences like lightning strikes and power surges are common.

However, most people make one very critical mistake when it comes to surge protection for their valuable computer systems. They forget that their routers, networks, and ethernet-connected items are also vulnerable to damage resulting from sudden power surges as far too many people have found out the hard way. Such power surges can easily take out your router, your modem, or even your expensive connected electronics when electricity utilizes your ethernet cable as an alternative route.

Why Choose the PoE Gigabit LAN Thunder Ethernet Surge Protector?

A network surge protector can prevent this in much the same way a standard surge protector protects your other electronics by acting as a barrier between the flow of electricity and the delicate inner workings of your hardware. However, it’s important to understand the importance of choosing the right ethernet surge protector to trust. Let’s take a closer look at one of the best options out there on the market today — the PoE Gigabit LAN Thunder ethernet surge protector from Tupavco.

The electronics experts behind Tupavco are known for providing reliable, good quality products at prices that are nevertheless affordable on any budget and this particular surge protector is no exception. The following is a rundown of its basic stats.

  • It’s compatible with both Gigabit and PoE ethernet networks, as well as fully capable of protecting both from power surges resulting from electrical issues, lightning strikes, and more.
  • It features a competitive data rate of 10/100 and 1000Mbs.
  • It also features a discharge capability of 10KA.

It also comes attached to a number of additional benefits that you won’t necessarily get when it comes to similar products from the other guys.


This LAN thunder network surge protector is made from carefully chosen materials that have been proven reliable when it comes to protecting wiring and electrical equipment from power surges. It features high energy UL497B recognized gas discharge tubes and quick response silicon avalanche diodes (SADs). It also benefits from a tough cast aluminum construction, secure bi-directional clamping, and high insulation resistance. It’s RoHS compliant as well.

Great Value

Those that are in the market for a reliable PoE surge protector or a Gigabit surge protector don’t need to be told how difficult it can be to find something you can rely on without spending a lot of money. That’s why so many network users are happy to have found this and other electronics solutions from Tupavco. What’s more, your connectivity to your network isn’t compromised at all. It will remain as fast as ever, making this option the ideal choice in a CAT5 surge protector or a CAT6 surge protector for the budget-conscious businessperson or consumer.

Proven Track Record

This particular ethernet surge protector currently enjoys rave reviews from a variety of satisfied consumers on major retail sites like Amazon. Some even live in areas where frequent lightning strikes are the norm and they have all testified that their Tupavco ethernet surge protector succeeded in protecting their equipment through even major storms and power problems.

Take it for a test run today and stop worrying about the safety of your electronics during electrical disturbances for good. You’ll be so glad you did.

More About Ethernet Surge Protector

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